
Who invented the smartphone ? 1st smartphone (IBM) - Bestz

We here are in the digital era, and our smartphones can do many tasks beyond calling someone. but initially, the smartphone was made just to call or text someone. so the question is - "Who invented the smartphone ?" well it has a simple answer. IBM made the first smartphone and named it Simon in1992 and released it for purchase in 1994.

IBM was the first one to introduce some features like - world time clock, handwritten annotations, calculator, and other cool features in a smartphone. it was launched in 1994 with a price tag of $899 at that time. which was too high at that time. but as this type of technology was also not available anywhere else, this can be said fair pricing.

it was just with a 1.4inch LCD display, 1MB RAM, and 1MB storage only. which these days is nothing, because of the quality and quantity of data, these days. It came with a 16-bit processor and which was clocked to 16MHz. Its battery lasts nearly for just 2 hours. and it was very heavy (500g - approx) and its length was approximately 20cm.

So what are you waiting for? go and grab one. just kidding. It's not available to buy now. But, as it's been 26 years, and we are here. means what a technological development happened in the smartphone industry. that, these days there are facial recognition systems in smartphones, we have foldable smartphones and even in-display fingerprint sensors are a very common thing. So, one can imagine the future of smartphones in the upcoming 20-30 years.

Simon was not just the first smartphone in the industry, it was more like an inspiration for other brands to come ahead in the smartphone industry. And I hope you got your answer about - who invented the smartphone ?

If you have any doubt related to the IBM Simon smartphone, you can ask in the comment section, and if you want any other topic to be covered related to smartphones, you can suggest to us that also in the comment section, we will definitely look for it. 


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